"The flames on Whik's tail burn green because they contain a deep, and very ancient magic. It can only access this magic with the help of an Adventurer."

"It is said that Talown can sense when a powerful Adventurer is near, and will seek them out when it is in need of a strong, reliable ally."

"Terrorcotta breathes flames in a much more controlled way than most fire-breathers. It can create shapes with its flames, and uses this skill to entertain those it likes."

"When Vesuvion is angry, its whole body erupts in bright green flames. This is exhausting for Vesuvion, so it tries to remain calm and level-headed as much as possible."

Expert Train Stats:




"Truly, no Miscrit in all of Miscria can claim to be able to outdo Zapatose when it comes to misdirection and intimidation."

"Lummox's incredible tail is so lifelike that it can startle even those who know that it's just the tail of an itty-bitty creature."

"Bumpkin can move its tail's "arms" by wiggling back and forth. This greatly enhances the overall effect."

"Zori is a relentless attacker, using lightning attacks, its large tail, and its small but powerful body to launch an all-out assault on opponents."

Level 10 - Lummox
Level 20 - Bumpkin